At the core of the VHI's innovative interdisciplinary research are our regular Research Seminars, in which Research Associates present and discuss their work. Rooted in our Research Associates' leading work in their respective fields, the seminars are designed to generate new perspectives within and across disciplines, by providing a unique context for open-ended discussion and shared exploration.
Academic Year 2023-24
Monday, 13 May
Revd Dr John McCabe: "Bonhoeffer – The Last Eight Days"
Mr Rupert Shortt: "The Eclipse of Christianity and Why It Matters"
Tuesday, 21 May
Prof Philip Sheldrake: "Civility: Cultivating Public Virtues"
Dr Elif Çetin: "The impact of the 2022 migration crises on the migratory discourses adopted by the European Parliament"
Monday, 3 June
Dr Caterina Milo: "The de-medicalisation of abortion and its implications on patients' right to informed consent in UK and Europe"
Dr Nancy Michael: "Exploring the fullness of reason: potential synergies between faith and neuroscience"
Wednesday, 12 June
Prof Gill Goulding CJ: "Mediation and Authority: The Exercise of Spiritual Authority in Asymmetrical Relationships"
Monday, 17th June
Prof Wojciech Szczerba: "In Search of Early Signs of Human Dignity: Human Dignity in Ancient Metaphors"
Prof Clemens Sedmak: "Moral Challenges for Catholic Institutions"
Revd Dr Isidoros Katsos: "What is Wrong with the History of Human Rights?"
Monday, 24th June
Rev Dr Chase Pepper CSC: "Stronger than the Stars: Intercessory Prayer in Dante’s Theology of Beatitude"
Mr Peerawat Chiaranunt: "Universal Nature in Medieval Thought and Dante: Origins and Contexts"
Academic Year 2021-22
Wednesday, 26 January
Gill Goulding: "Synodal Perspectives on Academic Work"
Friday, 4 February
Johannes Hoff: “The Anthropological Challenge of the Digital Transformation”
Friday, 11 February
Lidia Ripamonti: "Disability and Life of the Mind: Expansive Perspectives"
Monday, 28 February
Group discussion: “Fratelli Tutti and Academic Dialogue across Disciplines”
Wednesday 9 March
Group discussion: “Fragility and Flourishing: the AI Initiative at the VHI”
Thursday 9 June
Joint Research Seminar with the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology
Emily Abdeni-Holman (MBIT) and Vittorio Montemaggi: Literature and Spiritual Living
Tuesday 14 June
Caterina Milo (Robinson College) and Lidia Ripamonti, with Thana De Campos-Rudinski: "Disability and Knowledge"
Academic Year 2020-21
Michaelmas Term
Wojciech Szczerba: "Human Dignity and Migration"
Heidemarie Winkel: "Multiple Gender Cultures"
Luigi Gioia: "Clericalism and Sexuality"
Thana Campos: "Love and Justice"
Flavio Comim: "Love and Human Development"
Ralf Wüstenberg and Zeina Barakàt: "Peace and Conflict Resolution"
Lent Term
Philip Sheldrake: "Cultivating Public Virtues"
William Simpson: "Physics and Hylomorphism"
Dominic Bellenger: "Benet House and its Community of Learning"
Isidoros Katsos: "Origen and Interreligious Dialogue"
Themed initiative: Perspectives on AI, Ethics and Theology
Maria Burke: "Dark vs Light: Connected Tensions in a Digitized World—Towards a Brighter Future"
Gill Goulding CJ: "Algor Ethics—The ‘Good’ Algorithm"
Gianmarco Contino: "Algorithmization of Medicine"
Umang Bhatt (Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence): "Human Machine Trust and Agency in Joint Decision-Making"
Jonathan Warner: "Other Aspects of AI: Viewing AI through the Lens of Dooyeweerd’s Theory of Modal Aspects"
Easter Term
Roman Cholij: “Intellectual Property, Biotechnology and the Catholic Church
Colin Williams: “Minority Language Revitalisation”
Joint Research Seminar with the Centre for Catholic Studies and the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology on the topic of ‘Place’
Adrienne Dengerink-Chaplin (MBIT): “Public Art and Contested Homefulness”
Elizabeth Powell (CCS): “David Jones on the Kinship of Place”
Philip Sheldrake (VHI): “How does a Sense of ‘Place’ Exist within Pandemic Times?”
These seminars are internal, not open to the public. Should you wish more information about them, please contact