- Andrejč, Gorazd, Religijski pojmovnik [Key Concepts in Religion], Maribor: Aristej, 2018.
- Andrejč, Gorazd, and Daniel Weiss (eds), Interpreting Interreligious Relations with Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies, Leiden: Brill, 2019.
- Berg, Thomas C, Roman Cholij, and Simon Ravenscroft (eds), Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- Comim, Flavio, with S. Fennell, and P. B. Anand, PB (eds), New Frontiers of the Capability Approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
- Comim, Flavio, with B. Kaplan, and E. Kaplan (eds), Mathematics is Freedom, Brasilia: UNESCO, 2018.
- De Campos, Thana, with Andelka Phillips, and Jonathan Herring, Jonathan (eds), The Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law, Oxford University Press, 2019.
- Gioia, Luigi, Dillo a Dio: Alla Ricerca della Preghiera [Say it To Go: In Search of Prayer], Brescia: Editrice Queriniana, 2019.
- Sheldrake, Philip, Julian of Norwich—’In God’s Sight’: Her Theology in Context, Oxford/Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018.
- Sheldrake, Philip, The Spiritual Way: Classic Traditions and Contemporary Practice, Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press, 2019.
- Sheldrake, Philip (ed.), Surrender to Christ for Mission: French Spiritual Traditions, Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press, 2018.
- Wüstenberg, Ralf, Islam as Devotion: Discovery into the Interior of Another Religion, Lanham: Lexington Books, Fortress Academics, 2019.
Chapters and contributions to edited volumes
Andrejč, Gorazd, ‘Interpretations of Wittgenstein, Religion and Interreligious Relations’, in G. Andrejč and D. Weiss (eds), Interpreting Interreligious Relations with Wittgenstein: Philosophy, Theology and Religious Studies. Leiden: Brill, Sept 2019.
- , ‘Liberal Theology as a Slippery Slope: What’s in the Metaphor?’, in Jörg Lauster, Ulrich Schmiedel and Peter Schüz (eds), Liberale Theologie heute/Liberal Theology Today. Mohr Siebeck, 2019.
Bellenger, Dominic Aidan, ‘Monastic Revival in Somerset: Benedictine Monasticism from the Henrician Dissolution to the Second Vatican Council’, in Adrian J. Webb and Andrew F. Butcher, Writing the History of Somerset: Essays in Honour of Robert Dunning, Halsgrove: Wellington, 2018, 177-191.
Comim, Flavio, ‘Children: Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty and Inequality’, in Jay Drydyk and Lori Keleher (eds), Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics, Routledge, 2019, 156-161.
- , with D. Gasper, ‘Public Goods and Public Spirit: reflections on and beyond Nussbaum’s Political Emotions’, in Keleher, L. and Kosko, S., Agency and Democracy in Development Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 75-105.
- , with S. Fennell, and P. B. Anand, ‘Introduction’, in F. Comim, S. Fennell, S. and P. B. Anand (eds), New Frontiers of the Capability Approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
- , ‘Sen’s Capability Approach, Social Choice Theory and the Use of Rankings’, in F. Comim, S. Fennell, S. and P. B. Anand (eds), New Frontiers of the Capability Approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018.
Cholij, Roman, ‘An Introduction to Religious and Political Discourse on Life Patents’, in Thomas C. Berg, Roman Cholij, and Simon Ravenscroft (eds), Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 3-21.
- ‘Genetic Resources and Patents’, in Thomas C. Berg, Roman Cholij, and Simon Ravenscroft (eds), Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 209-225.
De Campos, Thana, ‘Justice and Responsibility: A Deontological Approach to Justice in Medical Law’, in Jonathan Herring, Thana De Campos, Andelka Phillips (eds), The Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- , ‘Introduction’, in Jonathan Herring, Thana De Campos, Andelka Phillips (eds), The Philosophical Foundations of Medical Law, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019.
- , with Camila A. Perruso, ‘Critical Analysis of the Legal Status of Transnational Corporations in the International Law of Human Rights’ [in Portuguese], in Soares, Ines Virginia, Piovesan, Flavia, Torelly, Marcelo, Corporations and Human Rights, Sao Paulo: Jus Podivm, 2018, 111-34.
De Haan, Daniel, ‘Philosophical Hazards in the Neuroscience of Religion’, in Alasdair Coles & Joanna Collicutt (eds), The Neurology of Religion, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- , ‘Aquinas on Sensing, Perceiving, Thinking, Understanding, and Knowing Individuals’, in Elena Baltuta (ed.), Medieval Perceptual Puzzles: Theories of Sense- Perception in the 13th and 14th Centuries, Brill, 2019, 238–268.
Elliot, David, ‘The Nature and Experience of the Commandments’, in Matthew Levering and Robert George (eds), The Achievement of David Novak: A Catholic-Jewish Dialogue, [forthcoming]Catholic University of America Press).
Kmec, Vladimir, ‘Response to Johathan Chaplin’s chapter “From Inspiration to Implementation: Laudato Si, Public Theology and the Demands of Energy Policy”‘, in Marc Ozawa, Jonathan Chaplin, Michael Pollitt, David Reiner, and Paul Warde.(eds), In Search of Good Energy Policy, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019.
- , ‘Religion, Migration and Youth’, in Redding, Schnabel and Winkel (eds), Handbook: Religion in Context, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018.
Ravenscroft, Simon, with Kathleen Liddell, ‘Morality, Religion, and Patents’, in Thomas C. Berg, Roman Cholij, and Simon Ravenscroft (eds), Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, 25-37.
Sheldrake, Philip, ‘Anthropology’, in M. McIntosh & E. Howells (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- ‘Prayer in the Teachings of Julian of Norwich: A Journey of Desire’, in J. Markey & A. Higgins (eds), Mysticism and Contemporary Life: Essays in Honor of Bernard McGinn, New York: Herder & Herder, 2019.
- ‘Anthropology’, in M. McIntosh & E. Howells (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press [forthcoming].
- ‘Religion and Power: A Christian Perspective’, in L. Mosher & D. Marshall, (eds), Power Divine and Human – Christian and Muslim Perspectives. Washington DC: Georgetown University Press [Forthcoming].
Van Herck, Walter, and Loobuyck Patrick, ‘Homo sapiens, homo faber, homo religiosus: samenspel en disharmonie’ [Homo sapiens, homo faber, homo religious: concordance and disharmony], in Patrick Loobuyck (ed.), Samenleven met overtuiging(en) : levensbeschouwing, democratie en wetenschap, Kalmthout, Pelckmans Pro, 2018, 217-239.
- , ‘Masters and disciples: a philosophical analysis’, in Pawel Kazmierczak, et al., Moral upbringing through the arts and literature, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 142-151.
Warner, Jonathan, ‘Capabilities and the Common Good’, in Flavio Comin, Shailaja Fennell and P.B. Anand (eds), New Frontiers of the Capability Approach, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2018, 53- 81.
Williams, Colin H., ‘Assailed Yet Resolute’ in Marsaili MacLeod, Cassie Smith-Christmas, (eds), Gaelic in Contemporary Scotland: The Revitalisation of an Endangered Language, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2018.
- , and John Walsh, ‘Minority Language Governance and Regulation,’ in Hogan-Brun Gabrielle and O’ Rourke, Bernadette (eds), Handbook on Minority Languages and Communities, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 101-130.
- ‘The Policy Community and Recommendations on New Speakers’, in O’ Rourke, B. and Pujolar, J. (eds), From New Speaker to Speaker: Outcomes, reflections and policy recommendations from COST Action IS1306. New Speakers in a Multilingual Europe: Opportunities and Challenges. Castell Newydd Emlyn, Wales: IAITH: Welsh Centre for Language Planning, 2019, 28-56.
- , and Bufon, M., ‘Minority and Language Issues in Comparative Context: Slovenes in Italy, Ireland and Wales’, in Brunn, S. and Keherein, R. (eds), Handbook of the Changing World Languages, Berlin: Springer, 2019, 1289-1319.
Winkel, Heidemarie, ‘Rights, Traditional Authority and Exclusive Masculinity: Gender justice versus symbolic boundary making’, in: M. Raheb (ed.), Women’s Rights in the Middle East Today: Law, culture, and religion, Bethlehem: Diyar, 2019.
- , ‘Eileen Barker: The Making of a Moonie. Choice or Brainwashing’, in Gert Pickel and Christel Gärtner (eds), Schlüsselwerke der Religionssoziologie, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2019, 361-370.
- , ‘Fatima Mernissi: Die (post)koloniale, marokkanische Gesellschaft als Fatima Mernissis Lebenswelt und als Untersuchungsgegenstand’, in Gert Pickel and Christel Gärtner (eds), Schlüsselwerke der Religions-soziologie, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2019, 315-322.
- , ‘Religion, Orientalism and the Colonial Body of Gender Knowledge’, in Heidemarie Winkel, Annette Schnabel and Melanie Reddig (eds), Religion in Context: Bilingual Handbook, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018.
- , ‘Religion und Geschlecht’, in D. Pollack, V. Krech, O.Müller and M. Hero (eds), Handbuch der Religionssoziologie, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018, 885-909.
- , ‘Contextual Theology with a Gender Focus: Palestinian Women in the World Day of Prayer Movement’, in R. Khoury and R. Zimmer-Winkel (eds), Christian Theology in the Palestinian Context, Berlin: Aphorism, 2018, 443-450.
Wüstenberg, Ralf, ‘Secularity and Religion’, in M. Mawson/Philip Ziegler (eds), The Oxford Handbook for Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019, 321-330.
- , ‘Nur der Glaubende ist gehorsam, und nur der Gehorsame glaubt – Dietrich Bonhoeffer im Gespräch mit dem Islam’, in M. Grebe (ed.), Polyphonie der Theologie. Verantwortung und Widerstand in Kirche und Politik, Stuttgart 2019, 247- 258.
Journal Articles and Reports
- Andrejč, Gorazd, ‘Protestantizem in deliberacija’ [Protestantism and Deliberation], Slavia Centralis, 2019.
- Bellenger, Dominic Aidan, ‘Strangers and Brothers: The Emigre Clergy of the French Revolution in Great Britain and their impact’, in Exiles, Emigres and Expatriates in Romantic - Era Paris and London, Litteraria Pragensia 29, 2019, 91-101.
- Burke, Maria and S. Joneidy, ‘Towards a Deeper Understanding of Meaningful Use in Electronic Health Records’, Health Information and Libraries Journal, Vol. 36 (2), 2018, 134-152.
- - , ‘Making choices: developing digital research frameworks for information management’, Journal of Documentation, 74 (1), 2018, 247-254.
- - With C. Jimenez-Ramirez, and I. Rodriguez-Flores, ‘An Exploratory Study: Open Data in Developing Countries (Columbia, Peru, Ecuador and Mexico)’, Conference Paper for the 27th International Conference for the Management of Technology (IAMOT): ‘Towards Sustainable Technologies and Innovation, Aston University, Birmingham, 2018.
- De Campos, Thana, ‘MAiD in Canada and the homus economicus view of dignity: inclusive enough?’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3, 2018.
- De Haan, Daniel, ‘Approaching Other Animals with Caution: Exploring Insights from Aquinas’s Psychology’, New Blackfriars 100, 2019, 715-737.
- - , ‘McGilchrist’s Hemispheric Homunculi’, Religion Brain & Behavior 9.4, 2019, 368-379
- - , ‘Aquinas on actus essendi and the Second Mode of Participation’. The Thomist 82, 2018, 573-609.
- Elliot, David, ‘Moral Growth in Amoris Laetitia Chapter 8’, Journal of Moral Theology, 2018.
- Elliot, David, ‘The Anthropologies of Hope and Despair: Disability and the Euthanasia Debate’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3, 2018.
- Göbel, Christian, ‘Frankfurt and Beyond. Hierarchical Readings of Anselm’s Analysis of Moral Choice with a New Test Case for his Concept of Freedom’, Saint Anselm Journal 14, 2018.
- Goulding, Gill, ‘Authority in the Face of Abuse’, Conference of Religious in Canada Bulletin Vol 16, Issue 1, 2019.
- Kmec, Vladimir, ‘The Strengths and Limitations of the Inclusion of Religious Actors in Peace Processes in Northern Ireland and Bosnia and Herzegovina’, International Negotiation, 24.1 (2019), DOI:
- Laurent, Bernard, Rapporteur du projet d’avis du Ceser AURA sur ‘La Décison Modificative n°1 pour l’exercice 2019 et sur la modulation de la fraction des tarifs de TICPE pour 2020’, Assemblée Plénière, Avis 2019:16.
- - Rapporteur du projet d’avis du Ceser AURA sur ‘Les Orientations Budgétaires’ pour 2019, Assemblée Plénière, Avis 2019:16.
- - Rapporteur du projet d’avis du Ceser AURA sur ‘Les relations et contributions financières Etat-Région’, Avis 2019:13.
- - Rapporteur du projet d’avis du Ceser AURA sur le Compte Administratif 2018, Assemblée Plénière, Avis 2019:10
- Ripamonti, Lidia, ‘Lives Not Worth Living: Rethinking Autonomy and Assisted Dying in the Light of Profound Disability’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3, 2018, 317- 330.
- - , with Thana De Campos, and Philip McCosker, ‘Editorial’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3. 2018.
- Ravenscroft, Simon (contributing author, with lead author Matthew Johnson), ‘Higher Education Outreach: Examining Key Challenges For Academics’, British Journal of Educational Studies, 2019; DOI: 10.1080/00071005.2019.15721011-23
- Van Herck, Walter, ‘Rituelen als aandachtmachines [Rituals as attention machines]’, Streven: cultureel maatschappelijk maandblad 86:1, 2019, 85-89.
- - , Wittgenstein en de godsdienstfilosofie [Wittgenstein and the philosophy of religion], Filosofie-tijdschrift : tweemaandelijks tijdschrift van de Stichting Filosofie- Tijdschrift/ Stichting Informatie Filosofie [Best]; Stichting Tijdschrift Filosofie [Hoogeloon] 28:1, 2018, 15-20.
- - , with Fraeters Veerle, ‘Zelfloos: mystiek en het moderne ik’ [Selfless: mysticism and the modern ego], Streven: cultureel maatschappelijk maandblad 85:4, 2018, 413-416.
- Warner, Jonathan, ‘Economic Pluralism: The Role of Narrative’, International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education, 9.4, 2018, 358-375.
- Williams, Colin H.,’Creative ambiguity in the service of language policy and new speakers’, Language Policy, Vol. 18, 2019, 593-608.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, with Elisabeth Arweck (eds), ‘Religious Cultures and gender cultures: tracing gender differences across religious cultures’, Journal of Contemporary Religion 34 (2), 2019, 241-251.
- - , with Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez and Pinar Tuzcu (eds), ‘Feminisms in times of anti-genderism, racism and austerity’, Special Issue of Women Studies International Forum 68, 2018, 139-141;
- - , ‘Global historical sociology and connected gender sociologies. On the colonial legacy and (re)nationalization of gender’, in Interdisciplines. Journal of History and Sociology 9 (2), 2018, 95-142.
- Wüstenberg, Ralf, ‘Jesus im Islam. Eine problemorientierte Literatursichtung aus systematisch-theologischer Perspektive’, Theologische Literaturzeitung 144, 1⁄2, 2019, 18-30.
- - , ‘Gott aus der Natur erkennen—Calvin im interreligiösen Quervergelich mit al- Ghazali’, Neue Zeitschrift für Systematische Theologie und Religionsphilosophie 61,1, 2019, 1-15.
- - , ‘Versöhnung oder Aufarbeitung? Das Fallbeispiel DDR im Querbezug zu Südafrika’, Ringen um Versöhnung II. Versöhnungsprozesse zwischen Religion, Politik und Gesellschaft, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Europäische Geschichte Mainz. Beiheft 117, Göttingen 2019, 103-110.
Ambrose, Sarah Anne, review of Debbie Blue ‘Consider the Women: A Provocative Guide to Three Matriarchs of the Bible’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 26.3 (2019), 384- 386.
Bellenger, Dominic Aidan, Review of ‘Martin Heale: The Abbot’s and Priors of Late Medieval and Renaissance England’, Ecclesiastical Law Journal 20, 2018, 83-84.
- , Review of ‘The Rule of St Benedict and its Variations: Anglo-Saxon Monasterues and the Heritage of Herbert de Losinga. Herbert Losinga 900 Lectures’, Norwich Cathedral, 28 May 2019.
Çetin, Elif, Review of Tisha M. Rajendra ‘Migrants and Citizens: Justice and Responsibility in the Ethics of Immigration’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 25.4 (2018), 744- 746.
Contino, Gianmarco, Review of Eric J. Topol ‘Deep Medicine’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 26.4 (2019).
Gioia, Luigi, ‘The Power of Description’, review of the book by Frédéric Martel, In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy, Bloomsbury 2018, in Syndicate <>
Ripamonti, Lidia, Review of Antonio Calcagno ‘Edith Stein: Women, Social‐Political Philosophy, Theology, Metaphysics and Public History. New Approaches and Applications’, Reviews in Religion and Theology 26.1 (2019), 43-46.
Warner, Jonathan, Review of Tim Jackson ‘Prosperity without Growth: Foundations for the Economy of Tomorrow’, European Legacy, published online 16/04/2019, print forthcoming 2019.
Winkel, Heidemarie, Review of Wietske Jong‐Kumru ‘Postcolonial Feminist Theology: Enacting Cultural, Religious, Gender and Sexual Differences in Theological Reflection’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 26.2 (2019), 260-262.
Wüstenberg, Ralf, Review of Adam Silverstein and Guy G. Stroumsa (eds) ‘The Oxford Handbook of the Abrahamic Religions’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 26.1 (2019), 151-153.
- , Review of Mark Robert Anderson ‘The Qur’an in Context: A Christian Exploration’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 25.4 (2018), 617-620.
- , Review of Bernhard Knorn ‘Versöhnung und Kirche: Theologische Ansätze zur Realisierung des Friedens mit Gott in der Welt [Reconciliation and the Church: Theological Approaches to the Realisation of Peace with God in the World]’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 25.4 (2018), 706-709.
Knowledge Exchange, Public Media Engagement and Press articles
- Bellenger, Dominic Aidan, ‘Monks on the Moor’, The Tablet, 2 June 2018.
- De Campos, Thana, ‘¿Descentralizando la gobernanza global en salud?’, Op-Ed, La Tercera, ‘Opinion’, 4 July 2019.
- Gioia, Luigi, ‘Cambridge conference tackles clericalism and sexuality’, Crux, September 30, 2019.
- - ‘The Clerical Trap’, The Tablet, 5 October 2019.
- - ‘Single Living and Prayer’, Preach Magazine 19, 2019, 26-30.
- Goulding, Gill, 6 podcasts on ‘The Mystery of Mercy’ for, 2018.
- Kmec, Vlado, ‘Presidential elections in Slovakia: A return of liberalism to Central-Eastern Europe or an anti-establishment protest?’, In The Long Run, 20 April 2019.
- Lauren, Bernard, ‘La Banque Centrale Européenne au service de la spéculation’, La Croix: Forum et débats, 20 septembre 2019.
- - ‘La réforme des retraites: quel gachis’, La Croix: Forum et débats, 19 juillet 2019
- Ravenscroft, Simon, with Ruth Jackson, ‘Rotten Riches: James 4:13-5:6’, The Visual Commentary on Scripture, King’s College London, 2019; []
- Ripamonti, Lidia, ‘If assisted dying is legalised, who gets to decide whose life is worth living?’, The Conversation (25/02/2019).
- Jonathan Warner, Podcast: Sustainable Community Development: Leading a Faculty-led Program to Belize interview with Abbiola Ballah for The Toucan Abroad Podcast, Toucan Education Programs, Belize, August 2019. []
- - Invited Blogpost: ‘Re-entry after 30 years abroad’, on Cate Brubaker’s Small Planet Studio, September 2019. [ abroad/]