Dr Diana Beech
- ‘A Soul for European Science: Exploring the New Renaissance in the European Research Area’, in Chaplin, J. and Wilton G. (eds), God and the EU: Faith in the European Project (London: Routledge, 2016)
Dr Elif Cetin
- ‘The Italian Left and Italy’s (Evolving) Foreign Policy of Immigration Controls’, Journal of Modern Italian Studies, 20/3 (2015), 377-397
Dr Thana de Campos
- ‘The Well-Being Conception of Health, and the Conflation Problem’, The New Bioethics 22/1 (2016), 71-81
- ‘The Idea of Patents vs. the Idea of University’, The New Bioethics 21/2 (2015), 164-176
Prof Christian Göbel
- ‘Bildungs-Gang. Bildung in F.C. Delius‘ Erzählung «Bildnis der Mutter als junge Frau»’ [The Path of Education. Education in F.C. Delius‘ novel «Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman»], Magazin für Kunst, Kultur, Theologie, Ästhetik, 93 (2015), http://www.theomag.de/93/chg1.htm
- [edit. & transl.] Leonardo Messinese, Heideggers Kritik der abendländischen Metaphysik und Logik. Ein kritischer Dialog [Heidegger’s Critique of Western Metaphysics and Logic. A Critical Dialogue], Translated from the Italian and edited by Christian Göbel. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2015)
- Philosophie und Ökumene. Überlegungen zur Logik des Christentums im Ausgang von Anselm von Canterbury [Philosophy and Ecumenism. Anselm of Canterbury and the Logic of Christianity], (Münchner Theologische Beiträge, 16; München: Utz, 2015)
- [transl.] Norbert Fischer, ‘Kant as Pastor’, in R. Clewis (ed.), Reading Kant’s Lectures (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2015), 392-408
- Glücksgarant Bundeswehr? Ethische Schlaglichter auf einige neuere Studien des ZMSBw im Kontext von Sinn und Glück des Soldatenberufs, Innerer Führung und Einsatz-Ethos [Can the Armed Forces Guarantee Happiness? Ethical Reflections on Some Recent Studies of the ZMSBw], (Berlin: Miles, 2016).
Dr David Elliot
- ‘Defining the Relationship Between Health and Well-being in Bioethics’, The New Bioethics 22/1 (2016), 4-17
Prof John Loughlin
- ‘European Integration: A Catholic Perspective’, in J. Chaplin and G. Wilton (eds), God and the EU: Faith in the European Project (London: Routledge, 2016)
Dr Philip McCosker
- Co-editor (with Denys Turner), Cambridge Companion to the Summa Theologiæ of Thomas Aquinas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016).
- ‘From the Joy of the Gospel to the Joy of Christ: Situating and Expanding the Christology of Evangelii Gaudium’, Ecclesiology 12:1 (2016), 34–53
- ‘Grace’, in McCosker and Turner (eds), The Cambridge Companion to the Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2016), 205-21
- ‘Sitit Sitiri: Apophatic Christologics of Desire’, in Eric Bugyis and David Newheiser (eds), Desire, Faith, and the Darkness of God (Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame Press, 2015), 391-413
Dr Simon Ravenscroft
- ‘Charité, amour et don dans l'oeuvre d'Ivan Illich’, in Martin Fortier and Thierry Paquot (eds), Ivan Illich, l'alchimiste des possibles (Paris: Lemieux, 2016)
- ‘Modernity and the Economics of Gift and Charity: On Ivan Illich’s Critique of Abstract Philanthropy’, Telos 174 (2016), 149-170
- Extended review of Todd Hartch, The Prophet of Cuernavaca: Ivan Illich and the Crisis of the West, in Reviews in Religion and Theology 23 (2016), 45-49
Dr Lidia Ripamonti
- ‘Disability, Diversity, and Autism: Philosophical Perspectives on Health’, The New Bioethics, 22/1 (2016), 56-70
Dr Sara Silvestri
- Co-authored (with James Mayall), The Role of Religion in Conflict and Peacebuilding, (London: British Academy, 2015)
- Co-authored (with C. Hill and E. Cetin), ‘Migration and the Challenges of Italian Multiculturalism’, in M. Carbone and S. Piattoni, S. (eds), Politica in Italia / Italian Politics Yearbook (Milan: Berghahn Books, 2016)
Knowledge Exchange and Public Media Engagement
Electronic Educational Resources
- Sara Silvestri, E-learning Kit on Religion and Conflict for the UK Department for International Development through the Governance and Social Development Resource Centre (February 2016): http://www.gsdrc.org/professional-dev/religionand- conflict/
Online Publications
- Berg, Thomas C., Playing God: Moral Arguments on Patents on Life, St Thomas Lawyer (25 Jan 2016): http://www.stthomas.edu/news/playing-god-moral-arguments-patents-life/
- Beech, Diana, Getting On: what progression looks like for low-paid workers today, Recruitment and Employment Confederation (22 September 2015): https://www.rec.uk.com/news-and-policy/policy-and-campaigns/skills-andpr... youth-employment-and-skills/pay-progression
- Beech, Diana, The Scale Up Workbook: how to grow your recruitment business, Recruitment and Employment Confederation (30 March 2016): https://www.rec.uk.com/businesssupport/about-us/help-and-advice/research...
- Çetin, Elif, Politics of restriction in the Euro-Mediterranean area: Lampedusa and beyond, Politics in Spires (13 May 2015): http://blog.politics.ox.ac.uk/politics-of-restrictionin-the-euro-mediter...
- Ravenscroft, Simon, Levity and Theology: On Playing the Fool in the Academy and Life, ABC Religion & Ethics (7 April 2016):
- Ravenscroft, Simon, Patenting Life: Rethinking Social Justice, the Politics of Knowledge and Theologies of Property, ABC Religion & Ethics (11 February 2016): http://www.abc.net.au/religion/articles/2016/02/11/4405042
- Ravenscroft, Simon, In Defence of the BBC, at Left Foot Forward (7 July 2015): http://leftfootforward.org/2015/07/so-what-if-the-bbc-is-left-wing/
- Lidia Ripamonti, Di autismo non ci si ammala e non ci si cura [Autism is not an illness in need of a cure], in Huffington Post Italia (1 April 2016):