Patents on Genetic Resources? A Catholic Perspective for the World Intellectual Property Organisation
A research report commissioned by the Caritas in Veritate Foundation with with a view to helping the Holy See prepare a position during the World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) intergovernmental committee negotiations on a new international treaty on Genetic Resources and IP. [Download]
The UK Government's 'Big Society' Programme and Catholic Social Teaching
A report which investigates the links between Catholic Social Teaching and the Big Society Programme, part of a research project founded by the Charles Plater Trust.
Which Path to Religious Freedom? A Catholic Perspective on International Affairs
A research report commissioned by the Caritas in Veritate Foundation with includes a selection of texts from the Church’s engagement for religious freedom [Download]
Going forth: an Enquiry into Evangelisation and Renewal in the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales
A research report completed in 2006 by the VHI in association with the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology in Cambridge.
Moral, But No Compass. Government, Church and the Future of Welfare
A major study for the Church of England, drawing on hundreds of interviews and survey questionnaires, describing the setting in which the Labour Party’s welfare and related voluntary sector policies often were experienced as 'discriminatory', inadequately rooted in evidence and at risk of failing the faith communities.
The Ground of Justice. The Report of a Pastoral Research Enquiry into the Needs of Migrants in London’s Catholic Community
A publication of the former Centre for Faith In Society, Migration and Itinerant Peoples Group at the VHI, which had been commissioned by the Diocese of Westminster, the Archdiocese of Southwark and the Diocese of Brentwood [Download]
Higher Education opportunities for refugees, asylum seekers and migrant workers in the east of England
A report by the former Centre for Educational Research and Development at the VHI, in association with the Association of Universities in the East of England; East of England Development Agency; University of Luton.
Please note that reports that are available for free download may be copied and reproduced for educational and non-profit purposes only.