- Andrejč, Gorazd, and Daniel Weiss (eds), Interpreting Interreligious Relations with Wittgenstein, Leiden: Brill [forthcoming 2019].
- De Campos, Thana, The Global Health Crisis: Ethical Responsibilities, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
- Elliot, David, Hope and Christian Ethics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
- Gioia, Luigi, Say it to God: In Search of Prayer: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2018, London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
- Gioia, Luigi, Touched by God. The Way to Contemplative Prayer, London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
- Ravenscroft, Simon, Thomas C. Berg and Roman Cholij (eds), Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019 [forthcoming].
- Sheldrake, Philip, Julian of Norwich—’In God’s Sight’: Her Theology in Context, Oxford/Malden MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2018 [forthcoming].
- Sheldrake, Philip (ed.), Surrender to Christ for Mission: French Spiritual Traditions, Collegeville MN: Liturgical Press, 2018 [forthcoming].
- Sheldrake, Philip, Spiritualità. Come coltivare l’anima [Italian transl. of Spirituality: A Very Short Introduction] Bologna: Il Mulino, 2016.
- Van Herck, Walter, and Dirk-Martin Grube (eds), Philosophical Perspectives on Religious Diversity: Bivalent truth, Tolerance and Personhood, London: Routledge, 2017.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, Melanie Reddig, Annette Schnabel, (eds), Religion im Kontext. Ein religionssoziologisches Handbuch/Religion in Context. A Sociological Handbook of Religion, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, and Kornelia Sammet (eds), Religion soziologisch denken. Reflexionen auf aktuelle Entwicklungen in Theorie und Empirie, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2017.
- Wüstenberg, Ralf, et al. (eds), Beichte neu entdecken. Eine ökumenisches Kompendium, Göttingen: Edition Ruprecht 2017.
- Wüstenberg, Ralf, et al. (eds), Verständigung und Versöhnung: Beiträge von Politik, Religion und Kirchen 70 Jahre nach Kriegsende, Leipzig: Ev. Verlagsanstalt, 2017.
- Wüstenberg, Ralf, Islam as Devotion, Minneapolis: Fortress/Lexington, [Forthcoming 2018 - Engl. Transl. of Islam ist Hingabe: Eine Entdeckungsreise in das Innere einer Religion, Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlag, 2016].
Chapters and contributions to edited volumes
- Andrejč, Gorazd, ‘Religious Moral Languages, Secularity, and Hermeneutical (In)Justice’, in D. V. Auweele and M. Vassanyi, Political Theology: Past to Present, Oxford/New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- Andrejč, Gorazd, ‘Interpretations of Wittgenstein, Religion, and Interreligious Relations’, in G. Andrejc and D. Weiss, Interpreting Interreligious Relations with Wittgenstein, Leiden: Brill [forthcoming 2019].
- Andrejč, Gorazd, ‘Infiltrators, Imposters, or Human Beings? The Slovenian Socio-Political Imaginary, Christianity, and the Responses to the 2015-16 Migrant Crisis’, in U. Schmiedel and G. Smith (eds), Religion in the European Refugee Crisis, New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2018.
- Andrejč, Gorazd, ‘Schleiermacher and Tillich on Judaism: A Structural Comparison'‘ in R. Manning and S. Sheam (eds.), Returning to Tillich: Theology and Legacy in Transition, Berlin: De Gruyter, 2017, 151-162.
- Bellenger, Dominic Aidan, ‘The Benedictine Revival: Roots and Branches. Buckfast and the monastic world, 1815- 2018’, in P. Beacham (ed.), Buckfast Abbey, London: Merrell, 2017, 117-127.
- Çetin, Elif, ‘Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Area: Lampedusa and beyond’, in Caroline Zickgraf, Hassan Bousetta and Laure-Anne Bernes (eds), Migration in the Western Mediterranean: Space, Mobility and Borders, Routledge, 2018.
- Cholij, Roman, ‘Genetics and Intellectual Property’, in Samuele Sangalli (ed.), Beyond the Limits: Consequences of Technological Revolution in Society, Rome: Gregorian Biblical Press, 2017.
- Comim, Flavio, ‘Children: Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty and Inequality’, in Jay Drydyk and Lori Keleher (eds), Routledge Handbook of Development Ethics, Routledge, 2019, 156-161 [forthcoming].
- Comim, Flavio, ‘El Desarrollo Cordial’, in D. Marzá, J. Aguilar, E. Navarro, and J. Aparisi (eds), Homenaje a Adela Cortina: ética y filosofía política, Tecnos, 2018.
- De Haan, Daniel, ‘Hylomorphism, New Mechanisms, and Explanations’, in W. M.R. Simpson, R. C. Koons, N. J. TehBiology (eds), Neuroscience, and Psychology, in Neo-Aristotelian Perspectives on Contemporary Science, London: Routledge, 2017.
- De Haan, Daniel, and Robert Turner, ‘Bridging the Gap between System and Cell: The Role of Ultra-High Field MRI in Human Neuroscience’, in N. Rose, T. Mahfoud, S. McLean (eds), Modelling Brains: The Making and Use of Animal Models in Neuroscience and Psychiatry, Elsevier Academic Press, 2017.
- Elliot, David, ‘Hope as a Virtue’, in Hope Today, Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2018.
- Göbel, Christian, ‘Contributors’ Summaries’, in W. Erb and N. Fischer (eds), Meister Eckhart als Denker, Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 2018, 525-536 [translation of German chapter abstracts into English].
- McCosker, Philip, ‘From the Joy of the Gospel to the Joy of Christ: Situating and Expanding the Christology of Pope Francis’, in Duncan Dormor and Alana Harris (eds), Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, and the Renewal of the Church, New York: Paulist Press, 2018.
- Ravenscroft, Simon, and Kathleen Liddell, ‘Morality, Religion, and Patents’, in Ravenscroft, Simon, Thomas C. Berg and Roman Cholij (eds), Patents on Life: Religious, Moral, and Social Justice Aspects of Biotechnology and Intellectual Property, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019 [forthcoming].
- Lidia Ripamonti, ‘Dasein; Geworfenheit; Geborgensein; Heidegger, Martin; Man’, in Martin Knaup, Herald Seubert (eds), Edith Stein–Lexikon, Freiburg: Herder, 2017.
- Sheldrake, Philip, ‘Anthropology’, in M. McIntosh & E. Howells (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Mystical Theology, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018 [forthcoming].
- Van Herck, Walter and Patrick Loobuyck, ‘Homo sapies, homo faber, homo religiosus: samenspel en disharmonie, in Loobuyck’, Patrick (ed.), Samenleven met overtuiging(en): levensbeschouwing, democratie en wetenschap, Kalmthout: Pelckmans Pro, 2018, 217-239.
- Van Herck, Walter, ‘Masters and disciples: a philosophical analysis’, in Paweł Kaźmierczak and Jolanta Rzegocka (eds), Moral upbringing through the arts and literature, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018, 142-151.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, ‘Religion, Orientalism and the Colonial Body of Gender Knowledge’, in: Melanie Reddig, Annette Schnabel, Heidemarie Winkel (eds), Religion im Kontext. Ein religionssoziologisches Handbuch/Religion in Context. A Sociological Handbook of Religion, Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2018.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, ‘Religion and Gender’, in Detlef Pollack, Volkhard Krech, Olaf Müller, Markus Hero (eds), Handbuch Religionssoziologie, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, ‘Postcolonialism. Gender as a colonial knowledge category and white gender studies’, in B. Kortendiek, B. Riegraf, K. Sabisch (eds), Handbuch Interdisziplinäre Geschlechterforschung. Geschlecht und Gesellschaft Vol. 65, Wiesbaden: Springer, 2018.
Journal Articles and Reports
- Andrejč, Gorazd, ‘When the Common Good Takes the Grand(est) Stage’, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24.3 (2017), 412-418.
- De Campos, Thana, ‘MAiD in Canada and the homus economicus view of dignity: inclusive enough?’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3 [forthcoming 2018].
- De Campos, Thana, and Caterina Milo, ‘Mitochondrial Donations and the Right to Know and Trace One’s Genetic Origins: an Ethical and Legal Challenge’, Journal of Law, Policy, and the Family, 32.2 (2018), 170–183.
- De Campos, Thana, ‘Zika, Public Health, and the distraction of abortion’, Journal of Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 20. 3 (2017), 443–446.
- De Haan, Daniel, ‘The Interaction of Noetic and Psychosomatic Operations in a Thomist Hylomorphic Anthropology’, Scientia et Fides, 6.2 (2018).
- De Haan, Daniel, ‘Avicenna’s Healing and the Metaphysics of Truth’, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 56.1 (2018), 17-44.
- De Haan, Daniel, ‘Hylomorphic Animalism, Emergentism, and the Challenge of the New Mechanist Philosophy of Neuroscience’, Scientia et Fides, 5.2 (2017).
- Elliot, David, ‘Moral Growth in Amoris Laetitia Chapter 8’, Journal of Moral Theology [forthcoming 2018].
- Elliot, David, ‘The Anthropologies of Hope and Despair: Disability and the Euthanasia Debate’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3 [forthcoming 2018].
- Elliot, David, ‘Institutionalizing Inequality: The Physical Criterion of Assisted Suicide’, Christian Bioethics, 24.1 (2018), 17-37.
- Göbel, Christian, ‘Frankfurt and Beyond. Hierarchical Readings of Anselm’s Analysis of Moral Choice with a New Test Case for his Concept of Freedom’, Saint Anselm Journal 14 (2018) [forthcoming].
- Kmec, Vladimir, ‘The Establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission: Reflecting Power Shifts at the United Nations’, International Peacekeeping, Vol. 24.2 (2017), 304-322.
- Kmec, Vladimir, ‘Transnational and Local: Multiple Functions of Religious Communities of EU Migrants in Dublin’, Journal of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions, Vol. 5 (2017), 20-39.
- Kmec, Vladimir and Christian Ritter, ‘Religious Practices and Networks of Belonging in an Immigrant Congregation: the German-Speaking Lutheran Congregation in Dublin’, Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol. 32.2 (2017), 269-281.
- Kmec, Vladimir, ‘Transnational and Local: Multiple Functions of Religious Communities of EU Migrants in Dublin’, Journal of the Irish Society for the Academic Study of Religions, Volume 5 (2017).
- McCosker, Philip, and Ed Kessler, ‘Cherishing and Clarifying Difference’, European Judaism, 50.1 (2017), 78-80.
- Laurent Bernard, Rapporteur, Un soutien des festivals pour un impact durable, CESER, Conseil Economique, Social et Environnemental Régional Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, 2017.
- Ripamonti, Lidia, ‘Rethinking Autonomy and Assisted Dying in the Light of Profound Disability’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3 [forthcoming 2018].
- Ripamonti, Lidia, Thana De Campos, and Philip McCosker, ‘Guest Editorial’, Journal of Disability and Religion, 22.3 [forthcoming 2018].
- Sheldrake, Philip, ‘Two Ways of Seeing: The Challenge of Julian of Norwich’s Parable of a Lord and a Servant’, Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality, 17/1 (2017), 1-18.
- Silvestri, Sara and Elif Çetin, Migration and Asylum: catholic social thought and practice in the UK, Policy report for The Charles Plater Trust in association with the Von Hügel Institute, Cambridge, [2018 forthcoming].
- Winkel, Heidemarie, with Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez and Pinar Tuzcu (eds), ‘Feminisms in Times of Anti-genderism, Racism and Austerity’, Special issue of Women Studies International Forum, vol. 68 (2018), 139-141.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, ‘Multiple religiosities, Entangled Modernities and Gender: What is Different About Gender Across Religious Cultures?’, Journal of Religion, Society and Politics 1.1 (2017), 89-109.
- Winkel, Heidemarie, and Gladys Ganiel (eds), ‘The Social Dynamics of Religion in the Public Domain’, European Societies 19.5 (2017).
- Winkel, Heidemarie, Viola Raheb and Ulrike Bechmann, ‘Negotiating Gender Relations: Arab Women and the Transformation of Arab Societies’, GENDER. Journal for Gender, Culture and Society, Vol 9.1 (2017).
- Williams, Colin H., Refining trust: Palestine in comparative perspective, Report on an international workshop, University of Flensburg and Von Hügel Institute, Cambridge, 2018.
- Çetin, Elif, Review of Jeremy Carrette and Hugh Miall (eds) ‘Religion, NGOs and the United Nations: Visible and Invisible Actors in Power’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 25.1 (2017), 35- 37,
- Çetin, Elif, Review of B. Westle and P. Segatti (eds), ‘European Identity in the Context of National Identity: Questions of Identity in Sixteen European Countries in the Wake of the Financial Crisis’, Journal of Common Market Studies 55.4 (2017), 946-947.
- Çetin, Elif, Review of Bettina Westle and Paolo Segatti (eds), ‘European Identity in the Context of National Identity: Questions of Identity in Sixteen European Countries in the Wake of the Financial Crisis’, Journal of Common Market Studies 55.4 (2017): 946-947
- Göbel, Christian, invited review of Marc Cardinal Ouellet, ‘Mystery and Sacrament of Love’, Theologische Literaturzeitung 142 (2017), 1114-1116.
- Kmec, Vladimir, Review of Joram Tarusarira ‘Reconciliation and Religio-Political Nonconformism in Zimbabwe’, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24.2 (2017).
- Kmec, Vladimir, Review of Glady Ganiel ‘Transforming Post-Catholic Ireland Religious Practice in Late Modernity’, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24.1 (2017).
- Kmec, Vladimir, Review of Joram Tarusarira ‘Reconciliation and Religio-Political Nonconformism in Zimbabwe’, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24.2 (2017).
- Kmec, Vladimir, Review of Glady Ganiel ‘Transforming Post-Catholic Ireland Religious Practice in Late Modernity’, Reviews in Religion and Theology 24.1 (2017).
- Van Herck, Walter, ‘Wittgenstein en de godsdienstfilosofie’, Tijdschrift filosofie: tweemaandelijks tijdschrift van de Stichting Tijdschrift Filosofie, 28:1, 2018, 15-20.
- Wüstenberg, Ralf, Review of Mark Robert Anderson ‘The Qur’an in context: A Christian Exploration’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 25.4 (2018).
- Wüstenberg, Ralf, Review of Bernard Knorn ‘Versöhnung und Kirche: Theologische Ansätze zur Realisierung des Friedens mit Gott in der Welt [Reconciliation and the Church: Theological Approaches to the Realisation of Peace with God in the World]’, Reviews in Religion and Theology, 25.4 (2018).
Knowledge Exchange and Public Media Engagement Online Articles, Press articles, and Interviews
Mark Engelman
- Shameless' headlines on benefits family not defamatory, The Law Society Gazette, 29 May 2018.
- Is the door closing on the Unified Patent?, The Pharma Letter, 11 October 2017.
- An IP lawyer's take on the Eli Lilly v Actavis judgment, The Pharma Letter, 26 September 2017.
Luigi Gioia
- Divided we fall, The Tablet, 8 September 2018.
- An Interview with James Martin SJ by Luigi Gioia, Settimananews, June 2017.
- Interview on Religie en Filosofie, 3 May 2018.
- Simple Prayer: A Monk’s Perspective, video interview, Trinity Church Wall Street, 28 April 2018.
- Your love for one another'—is this the only real 'proof' of the Resurrection?, The Tablet, 30 March 2018.
- Interview on Church Times, 2 February 2018.
Bernard Laurent
- ‘Le Président Macron, l’assistanat et l’enseignement social de l’Eglise’, Tribune, La Croix, 25 juin 2018.
- ‘Parler cash ne doit pas empêcher de parler vrai’, Tribune, Libération, 2 mars 2018, version électronique.
- ‘Doctrine sociale et pratique managériale’, Entretien, La Croix, 18-19 novembre 2017.
- Interview, Crux Catholic, 4 September 2017
- ‘Le Pape et les migrants : un débat qui fait du bruit’, avec Eric de Nattes, Tribune, La Croix, 26 septembre 2017.
- De Nattes, Eric, Laurent, Bernard, ‘Pope Francis and migrants: a contentious issue’, La Croix international, 27 September 2017.
Philip Sheldrake
- 'Christian Spirituality & Social Transformation’, in The Oxford Research Encyclopedi of Religion, online, Oxford University Press, 2017.
Heidemarie Winkel
- - Fremdheit und Geschlecht: Koloniale Wissensbestände und dekoloniales Denken. Beitrag zur Jahrestagung des Netzwerks Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung, NRW 27.10.2017 [http://www.uni Geschlecht.pdf2017]