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Von Hügel Institute

for Critical Catholic Inquiry

The Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology and the Von Hügel Institute for Critical Catholic Inquiry will be hosting a joint research seminar, examining the theme "Literature and Spiritual Living." The discussion will be facilitated by presentations from MBIT Research Associate Dr Emily Abdeni-Holman and VHI Director Dr Vittorio Montemaggi

This hybrid event will take place in the Stonehill Room at the Margaret Beaufort Institute with an option to join via Zoom. 

UPDATED Registration Deadline: Please RSVP by emailing Dr Férdia Stone-Davis at by 8 June to reserve your spot or receive Zoom details. 



Thursday, 9 June, 2022 - 13:00 to 15:00
Event location: 
Stonehill Room (Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology) or Zoom



A unique institute of advanced studies inspired by Catholic thought and culture, focussed on contemporary global realities, and dedicated to encounter, dialogue, and transformation