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Von Hügel Institute

for Critical Catholic Inquiry

Ethical Standards in Public Life

Since 2008, the United Kingdom and many other western countries have experienced financial, economic, media and political crises which have undermined the authority of the elites who are in charge of these areas of public life. What ethical standards should underpin public life and how these can be restored if they are missing?

The series is jointly sponsored by St Mary’s University, Twickenham and the Las Casas Intitute, Blackfriars, Oxford.

Michaelmas Term

♦ Wed. 8 October at 17:00 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:

Inaugural Seminar: Ethical Standards in Public Life, jointly delivered by Dr Rowan Williams (Lord Williams of Oystermouth, Master of Magdalene College, former Archbishop of Canterbury), Professor Paul Bew (Lord Bew, Chair of the Committee on Standards in Public Life) and Paul Vallely (Journalist and writer on religion and ethics).

♦ Tue. 4 November at 11:00 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:

VHI Lecture: The Place of Religion in the European Public Square, Professor Joseph H.H. Weiler (President of the European University Institute in Florence). Jointly sponsored by the European Centre at POLIS, University of Cambridge.

♦ Fri. 28 November at 17:00 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:

The Crisis of the UK Political Class, Professor Andrew Gamble FBA  (former Head of Politics and International Studies at the University of Cambridge).

Lent Term 2015

♦ POSTPONED to Friday 26 June at 17:00 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:

Are Political Parties fit for Purpose? Baroness Williams of Crosby (former Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords and Professor Emeritus of Elective Politics at Harvard University).

♦ Thu. 5 February at 17:00 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:            

The Challenges of Bio-ethics in UK Decision-making, Claire Foster-Gilbert (Director of Westminster Abbey Institute).

♦ Fri. 20 February at 17:00 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:                          

Has Globalization changed the Nature of Diplomacy? Francis Campbell (Vice-Chancellor of St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and former UK Ambassador to the Holy See). Co-sponsored by the Centre of International Studies (CIS), University of Cambridge.

♦ Thu. 26 February at 17:00 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:     

Reforming the European Union: the Ethical Dimension, Dr Martin Westlake (Visiting Professor, College of Europe, Bruges; Senior Visiting Fellow, European Institute, London School of Economics; former Secretary-General of the European Economic and Social Committee, 2008-2013). Jointly sponsored by the European Centre at POLIS, University of Cambridge.

Easter Term

♦ Thu. 28 May at 17:00 for 17:15 - St Edmund's College, Garden Room:      

Concluding Seminar: Is Just War Theory still relevant in the 21st Century? Speakers: Field Marshall Lord Guthrie, Professor Nigel Biggar (McDonald Centre for Theology, Ethics and Public Life, Christ Church, Oxford) and Dr George R. Wilkes (Director of the Religion and Ethics in the Making of War and Peace project and Research Fellow in the School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh). Co-sponsored by the Centre of International Studies (CIS) and the Churchill Archives Centre,  University of Cambridge.



A unique institute of advanced studies inspired by Catholic thought and culture, focussed on contemporary global realities, and dedicated to encounter, dialogue, and transformation