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Von Hügel Institute

for Critical Catholic Inquiry

Public book launch organised by Heythrop College and Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology


Dr Nicholas Austin SJ, Lecturer in Theological Ethics, Heythrop College, University of London

Dr David Elliot, Assistant Professor of Moral Theology and Ethics, Catholic University of America, and VHI Research Associate

Virtue ethics offers a rich vocabulary for exploring questions of human well-being, character formation and applied moral issues. Thomas Aquinas (1224-1274) is the author of one of the richest and most systematic virtue-based ethics in the Western canon. This event presents new work exploring the contemporary significance of Aquinas's moral system. It explores how theological work on the virtues can make important contributions to contemporary virtue ethics.

This event will celebrate the launch of AQUINAS ON VIRTUE: A CASUAL READING by Nicholas Austin SJ and HOPE AND CHRISTIAN ETHICS by David Elliot.

The event is free to attend with the opportunity to make a donation.

To book a place please follow this link:

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Wednesday, 30 May, 2018 - 16:30 to 18:30
Contact email: 
Event location: 
Margareth Beaufort Institute, Cambridge



A unique institute of advanced studies inspired by Catholic thought and culture, focussed on contemporary global realities, and dedicated to encounter, dialogue, and transformation