Dr. Luigi Gioia received his D.Phil at Oxford University (Christ Church) where he worked on Greek Christology, Gregory of Nazianzus and then on a doctoral dissertation on Augustine’s De Trinitate from a dogmatic point of view under the supervision of Prof. Mark Edwards and Prof. John Webster.
He was Associate Professor of Systematic Theology at the Pontifical University of S. Anselmo in Rome and has lectured on Ecclesiology, Trinity, Theology of History, Anthropology and Spirituality, Liturgy and Ecclesiology and Justification both at graduate and undergraduate level. He was the Academic Director of a project on Leadership and the Rule of Saint Benedict resulting from a cooperation between the University of S. Anselmo in Rome and the Faculty of Business and Management of the University of S. Gallen in Switzerland. In 2016-17 he was a visiting scholar at the Divinity Faculty in Cambridge working on a monograph exploring language and desire in Augustine and Merleau-Ponty. In 2019 he taught at the St John School of Theology (Minnesota, USA).
Luigi has been actively involved in a variety of Catholic contexts in many European countries (France, UK, Italy, Germany, Hungary and Switzerland) in academic, pastoral, and administrative roles. Moreover, he has given many academic talks and preached retreats in Korea, China, Russia, Philippines, Ghana, Australia, Canada and USA.
Besides his academic works, Luigi Gioia has written several books of spirituality in Italian and in English aimed at a broad readership. His book Say it to God: In Search of Prayer has been chosen as the Archbishop of Canterbury Lent Book for 2018. His last book is St Benedict's Wisdom. Monastic Spirituality and the Life of the Church.
Luigi is working on a monograph on language and desire in Augustine resorting to heuristic tools provided by French phenomenology (especially Jean Luc Marion and Jean-Yves Lacoste).
- St Benedict's Wisdom. Monastic Spirituality and the Life of the Church, St John Collegeville (MN): Liturgical Press, 2020.
- "The Clerical Trap”, The Tablet 5th October 2019.
“Using Knowledge from Management Science in the Context of the Church: Possibilities and Limitations” and “Strategy Making: Providing Orientation and Sense” in Leadership in the Context of Religious Institutions. The Case of Benedictine Monasteries, Günter Müller-Stewens, Notker Wolf (Eds.) Cham: Springer, 2019, 11-25 and 59-79.
- Touched by God. The Way to Contemplative Prayer, London: Bloomsbury, 2018.
- Nelle Braccia del Padre. Omelie sui vangeli domenicali dell’anno C, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2018.
- Say it to God: In Search of Prayer: The Archbishop of Canterbury's Lent Book 2018, London: Bloomsbury, 2017.
- La saggezza del monaco. Spiritualità monastica e vita della Chiesa, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2017.
- Educati alla fiducia. Omelie sui vangeli domenicali dell’anno B, Bologna: Dehoniane 2017.
- “Word of God and Monasticism in Karl Barth”, American Benedictine Review 68.4 (2017) 418-432.
- “The Sapiential Dimension of Monastic Theology in the Light of the Second Vatican Council”, American Benedictine Review 68-1 (2017), 29-56.
- “The Threat of Death As a Test for Theological Authenticity”, The Practice of the Presence of God: Theology As a Way of Life, Ed. Martin Laird and Sheelah Treflé Hidden, New York: Routledge, 2017, 120-9.
- “Il rapporto tra Parola e Scrittura alla luce dell’identità tra rivelazione e riconciliazione nella teologia di Karl Barth”, in Parola e Scrittura. Atti della giornata di studi interfacoltà 6 ottobre 2015, ed. Eduardo López-Tello García Philippe Nouzille, Olivier-Marie Sarr, Roma: Studia Anselmiana (2017), 17-28.
- Mi guida la tua mano. Omelie sui vangeli domenicali dell’anno A, Bologna: Dehoniane, 2016
- The Theological Epistemology of Augustine’s De Trinitate, Oxford: Oxford Univeristy Press, 2016.
- “Benedictine Monasticism: An Ecclesial Spirituality”, Cistercian Studies Quarterly 51.2 (2016), 147-56.
- “Pietà urbana e vocazione monastica in Bernardo Tolomei e i suoi compagni, fondatori di monte oliveto”, in Beata Civitas. Pubblica pietà e devozioni private nella Siena del ’300, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di Studi (Siena, 28-30 ottobre 2010), A. Benvenuti and P. Piatti (eds), SISMEL-Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino, Firenze [Toscana Sacra, 5], 2016.
- La Chiesa, Popolo di Dio in cammino nella storia, Todi: Tau Editrice, 2015.
- “Morte e autenticità nell’attività teologica”, Gregorianum 96/2 (2015), 253-264.
- "Il carattere teologale, storico ed ecclesiale dell'identità personale in Agostino", Gregorianum 95/4 (2014), 487-509.
- "Augustine’s De Trinitate", in C. Pecknold and T. Toom (eds), T&T Clark companion to Augustine and modern theology, London: T&T Clark, 2013, 3-19.
- ‘Una deviazione ontologica e teista nella dottrina trinitaria di Agostino?’, Medioevo 37 (2012), 9-26.
- ‘Il segreto dell’osservanza monastica in due cronache olivetane del XV secolo’, Hagiologica. Studi per Réginald Grégoire,Monastero S. Silvestro, Fabriano, I, 2012, 569-94.
- "La connaissance du Dieu Trinité chez saint Augustin. Par delà les embarras de l’analogie et de l’anagogie", in E. Durand and V. Holzer (eds.), Les sources du renouveau trinitaire au XXe siècle, Cogitatio Fidei, paris: Cerf, 2008, 97-139.
- ‘The Structure of Augustin’s inquisitio in the De Trinitate: a Theological Issue’, F. Young, M. Edwards, P. Parvis (eds.), Studia Patristica vol. XLIII - Papers presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2003, Leuven-Paris-Dudley, MA, 2006, 101-106.