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for Critical Catholic Inquiry


Dr Caterina Milo is Lecturer in Law at the School of Law, University of Sheffield, where she is currently leading the Health Law research group. She is Fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK. She also serves as independent member of the Judicial Appointment commission in England and Wales. Before joining Sheffield, she was College Assistant Professor and Fellow in Law at Robinson College, University of Cambridge, and previously Lecturer at the University of Exeter Law School.


Caterina’s research interests lie in Health law and Ethics, particularly informed consent, doctor-patient relationship, reproductive ethics and ethics of disability.


Key publications: 



  • C Milo, (forthcoming, 2024) ‘Informed consent and abortion: pursuing medical partnership and authentic autonomy in decision-making processes’, Oxford University Press.

Edited book

  • J Tingle, C Milo, G Msyska, R Moss, ed. ‘Research handbook on patient’s safety and the law’, (Edward Elgar, 2023), co-editor and contributor.

Journal articles

  • C. Milo (2023) ‘COVID-19 vaccination and the role of informed consent: England as a case study’, European Journal of Health Law.
  • C. Milo (2022): ‘The role of knowledge and medical involvement in the context of informed consent: a curse or a blessing?’, Medicine, Health care and Philosophy,
  • C. Milo, (2022) ‘Informed consent, an empty promise? Lessons from Italy, England and Wales’, Medical Law International, 22( 2), 147-166.
  • C. Milo, (2022), ‘Love as a journey in the informed consent context: offering abortion in England and Wales as a case study,’ The New Bioethics, 28 (3), 208-222.
  • E. Cave, C. Milo, (2020). ‘Informing patients: the Bolam Legacy’, Medical Law International, 20(2), 103-130.
  • T. De Campos, C. Milo, (2018). ‘An ethical and a legal challenge in the mitochondrial donations regulations: the right to know and trace one’s genetic origins’. Oxford International Journal of Law, Policy and the Family, 32(2),170-183.

Chapter in a book

  • C. Milo, (2023), ‘The law and ethics of informed consent after Montgomery and the safeguard of patients’ safety’ in: C Milo, J Tingle, R Moss, G Myka (eds) Research handbook on Patients’ safety and the Law, Edward Elgar (2023).
  • C. Milo, T De Campos-Rudinsky (forthcoming 2024), ‘Informed consent: is there a call to go beyond consumerism?’,  in: E C Romanis, S Germain, J Herring,  Diverse Perspectives in Health Law, Bristol University Press.
  • C. Milo, M Maioni, 2021, ‘La maternità come ricchezza: aspetti etici e sociali della maternità durante l’epidemia da COVID-19’ (Italian and Spanish) in Women enhancing work changes, Franco Angeli ed., 215-223. (peer-reviewed contribution)
  • C. Milo, 2017, ‘Criminalità’ e gioco d’azzardo’, in: I nuovi orizzonti della criminalità organizzata, Padova: CLEUP, 229-252. (peer-reviewed contribution)

Book review

  • C. Milo, 2022, Book review of: C MacMillan, The Human Embryo in vitro, CUP, The New Bioethics, vol. 28 (4), 382-385.
  • C. Milo, 2018. Book review of: Smith, Stephen W, Coggon, John, Hobson, Clark, et al.; Ethical judgements: Re-writing medical law. The New Bioethics (1), 99-101.


Research Associate
Lecturer in Law, School of Law, University of Sheffield

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